Create and Send a New Wippli

The Wippli contains the information about a task for you to work smoothly with your clients and teams from start to end.

A Wippli contains all the right information to start a job, manage your work in progress, communicate updates, review work, and complete the task. 

Creating a new Wippli is easy! Simply follow these steps:

  • Select New Wippli on your user card
  • Choose the supplier from the drop-down menu
  • Fill out all required fields in the form and attach any necessary files.
  • Click Submit Wippli and you're done!


A Wippli becomes a card in your dashboard under the "To allocate" section. This card is the task where you, your supplier and teams will work together until completion.

After the supplier assigns the task to a team member, the card’s status is updated to Allocated. The client will receive an (email) notification that the job has been allocated.

Hereafter, the Wippli goes through various stages. Selecting the card will open the Wippli task. Here you can share and review the information and, provide feedback on the work submitted.

After creating the Wippli

You don't have to do anything until the Wippli is allocated.

The Wippli card will progress in both dashboards to "Allocated", you'll see it in the "What's on" panel, and you'll receive an email notification.

Wippli card progressing from

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